Artista plástico y diseñador gráfico, se ha convertido en un referente del POP ART en su país. Desde sus inicios se ha caracterizado por ser un artista que integra en sus obras pictóricas, tanto en lienzo como en el Arte Urbano, mucho color e historias representadas por gatos y diferentes personajes que logran cautivar al espectador. Todas sus piezas son un estallido de color que enmarcan sus figuras gatunas consideradas su sello personal.


Plastic artist and graphic designer, he has become a reference of POP ART in his country. From his beginnings he has been characterized for being an artist who integrates in his pictorial works, both in canvas and in Urban Art, a lot of color and stories represented by cats and different characters that manage to captivate the spectator. All his pieces are a burst of color framing his catlike figures considered his personal stamp.